Part of Svalner Atlas Group
Digital Taxation – OECD Released Workplan
On 31 May 2019, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released a Workplan (“Programme of Work to Develop a Consensus Solution to the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy”) setting out a process to reach a new global agreement on future taxation of multinational enterprises. The workplan aims to resolve the tax challenges arising from the global digitalisation of economies and explores technical issues to be resolved through two main pillars (see our newsalert here on the two main pillars).

Luis Rosas on secondment to Amsterdam
We are happy to welcome Luis Rosas from Mexico to our office for a three months secondment. He is working for Turanzas, Bravo & Ambrosi, the WTS member firm in…
New draft ruling policy in the Netherlands
In December 2018 the Dutch State Secretary of Finance announced that he would introduce a new policy for obtaining tax rulings with an international character. On 23 April 2019 a…
Internet consultation limitation of current liquidation loss scheme
Internet consultation limitation of current liquidation loss scheme
Three members of the Dutch House of Representatives jointly prepared a legislative proposal that should limit the current liquidation loss scheme (applicable to participations) and the related cessation loss scheme (applicable to permanent establishments) on 16 April 2019. The legislative proposal and the Explanatory Memorandum were published as an internet consultation to give interested parties the opportunity to respond to the draft legislative proposal.
Currently the liquidation loss scheme and the related cessation loss scheme enable Dutch taxpayers to offset their liquidation losses related to worldwide subsidiaries and permanent establishments at the moment these losses would otherwise be permanently lost. The legislative proposal suggests to include a material, territorial and temporal limitation to these schemes.
Atlas, Tiberghien and T/A economics establish global supply chain tax group
Over the past years, Atlas, Tiberghien and T/A economics have been working towards the formation of a full-scope global supply chain tax group. With the most recent hires of customs…
Custom expert Gooike van Slooten joins Atlas
Custom expert Gooike van Slooten joins Atlas Over the last few months Atlas continued growing its Indirect Tax and Customs practice. After global Indirect Tax experts Johan Visser and Dasha…

Legal 500 ranking
Atlas is very proud of its new position in Tier 2 of the Legal 500 Firm ranking! We want to thank our clients and the whole Atlas team. Click here…
Update UBO-register: implementatiewetsvoorstel ingediend bij Tweede Kamer
Op 4 april 2019 is de “Implementatiewet registratie van uiteindelijk belanghebbenden van vennootschappen en andere juridische entiteiten” (het UBO-register) bij de Tweede Kamer ingediend.

Rekening-courantmaatregel mogelijk criminal charge
Op Prinsjesdag 2018 heeft het kabinet Rutte-III een rekening-courantmaatregel aangekondigd, op grond waarvan DGA’s in box 2 inkomstenbelasting verschuldigd worden over de (niet-eigenwoning)schulden aan hun eigen BV, voor zover deze…

New State aid investigation into Luxembourg Ruling practice: Huhtamäki
On 7 March 2019, the European Commission (“EC”) opened a formal State aid investigation into tax rulings granted by the Luxembourg tax authorities (“LTA”) to a Huhtamäki group company, Huhtalux…

Internetconsultatie ‘Wet excessief lenen bij eigen vennootschap’ bekend als de RC-maatregel
Op maandag 4 maart 2019 is de internetconsultatie gestart van de
‘Wet excessief lenen bij eigen vennootschap’
Wij berichtten u eerder over de door het kabinet Rutte-III op Prinsjesdag 2018 aangekondigde ‘rekening-courantmaatregel’ (zie onder meer onze e-mails van 19 september 2018 en 16 oktober 2018). Deze zou in het voorjaar van 2019 ter (internet)consultatie voorgelegd worden, waarna aan de hand van de verzamelde input een definitief wetsvoorstel opgesteld zou worden en naar de Tweede Kamer gestuurd zou worden.
De consultatie is op 4 maart gestart en loopt tot 1 april 2019. De maatregel moet in werking treden per 1 januari 2022 en zal voor het eerst van toepassing zijn met betrekking tot op 31 december 2022 bestaande schulden bij de eigen vennootschap.
In deze nieuwsbrief gaan wij kort in op de ter consultatie neergelegde stukken en op enkele daarin reeds door ons geconstateerde onduidelijkheden en knelpunten. Wij houden u op de hoogte over het verdere verloop van de consultatie en de daaropvolgende parlementaire behandeling.

Newsflash: Important decision CJEU on intermediary holding and financing companies
On 26 February 2019 the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) released its long awaited judgement with respect to the so-called ‘Danish beneficial ownership cases’. The Danish beneficial ownership cases concern six joint Danish cases. The judgements contain guidance on (i) the interpretation of the concept of beneficial ownership in the EU Interest and Royalty Directive and (ii) the existence of abuse in case of intermediary companies in the same directive, the EU Parent- Subsidiary Directive, in particular if the intermediary holding and financing companies are controlled by entities which themselves have no access to the directives. In addition, an important statement was given with regard to the application of European anti-avoidance concept. From the rulings it appears that the CJEU departs from the long existing and recently confirmed case law on ‘wholly artificial arrangement’.

VAT Update for the Digital Economy
The final weeks of 2018 week proved to be important for online service providers, webshops and online marketplaces. The VAT Committee published two so called working papers in which it…

Work-related cost rules (WCR) expanded as from 2020
As from 2020 employers can provide up to EUR 2,000 extra tax-free benefits towards their employees as a result of new legislation announced by the government last week. The so-called work-related costs scheme based on which employers may provide tax free benefits to their employees will be adjusted. The adjustment intends to provide for an additional benefit mainly to smaller employers and is part of an initiative to reduce the administrative burden for the Dutch small and medium sized enterprises (SME).

OECD Digital Taxation Solutions
On 29 January 2019, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released a Policy Note on its work to address the tax challenges of the digitalisation of the economy and to outline an agreed framework of future solutions. The Policy Note “Addressing the tax challenges of the digitalisation of the economy” includes two pillars which could form the basis for actions to be taken. A long term-solution is aimed for 2020.