Part of Svalner Atlas Group
Taxation of Artwork webinar – March 22, 2022

We are pleased to invite you to the following high-caliber webinar: Taxation of Artwork. On March 22, 2022, from 16:30 – 18:00 CET, WTS Global will organize their first webinar on global taxation and the value of works of art. Both topics are key to all art market players and persons with an active interest in the art world.
We will cover the valuation of artwork and taxation aspects related to art and private wealth in general from an international perspective. An international panel of specialists from WTS member firms from Belgium, France, Estonia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands (Sebastiaan Janssen), Portugal, and Switzerland will comment on those topics, based on their local taxation regime.
Please click here to register. We are looking forward to welcoming you to this webinar!
For our ‘Taxation of Artwork Guide’, please click here (PDF). This guide is a comprehensive Private Clients study, containing 26 country overviews. It provides cross-border assistance to private clients, corporate collectors, galleries, foundations, and asset managers with regard to the taxation of artwork.