Part of Svalner Atlas Group

Weteringschans 24, 1017 SG Amsterdam
T +31 20 535 4567


Commissaris is (toch) niet btw-plichtig

Recent heeft het Hof Van Justitie van de EU geoordeeld dat een commissaris, ondanks dat de toezichthoudende activiteiten gezien kan worden als een economische activiteit, geen btw ondernemer is. Dit oordeel heeft in veel gevallen een impact op de btw…

Impact CJEU ‘Danish cases’ to Dutch anti-abuse rules

On 26 February 2019, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) took a decision in the so-called “Beneficial Ownership Cases”, concerning the application of the Interest and Royalty Directive (IRD) and the Parent-/Subsidiary Directive (PSD). In the decisions, the CJEU ruled that Member States must deny the benefits granted under the two Directives in case of an abusive situation. In response of this CJEU ruling, members of the Dutch parliament raised several questions to the Ministry of Finance on the interpretation of the rulings and the Dutch reading of ‘abusive structures’. In a letter of 14 June 2019, the Dutch State Secretary of Finance addressed the questions.

Digital Taxation – OECD Released Workplan

On 31 May 2019, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released a Workplan (“Programme of Work to Develop a Consensus Solution to the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy”) setting out a process to reach a new global agreement on future taxation of multinational enterprises. The workplan aims to resolve the tax challenges arising from the global  digitalisation of economies and explores technical issues to be resolved through two main pillars (see our newsalert here on the two main pillars).

Luis Rosas on secondment to Amsterdam

We are happy to welcome Luis Rosas from Mexico to our office for a three months secondment. He is working for Turanzas, Bravo & Ambrosi, the WTS member firm in Mexico. Luis has a lot of experience advising his Mexican…

New draft ruling policy in the Netherlands

In December 2018 the Dutch State Secretary of Finance announced that he would introduce a new policy for obtaining tax rulings with an international character. On 23 April 2019 a new (draft) Decree for international tax rulings was published. In…

Internet consultation limitation of current liquidation loss scheme

Internet consultation limitation of current liquidation loss scheme

Three members of the Dutch House of Representatives jointly prepared a legislative proposal that should limit the current liquidation loss scheme (applicable to participations) and the related cessation loss scheme (applicable to permanent establishments) on 16 April 2019. The legislative proposal and the Explanatory Memorandum were published as an internet consultation to give interested parties the opportunity to respond to the draft legislative proposal.

Currently the liquidation loss scheme and the related cessation loss scheme enable Dutch taxpayers to offset their liquidation losses related to worldwide subsidiaries and permanent establishments at the moment these losses would otherwise be permanently lost. The legislative proposal suggests to include a material, territorial and temporal limitation to these schemes.

Custom expert Gooike van Slooten joins Atlas

Custom expert Gooike van Slooten joins Atlas Over the last few months Atlas continued growing its Indirect Tax and Customs practice. After global Indirect Tax experts Johan Visser and Dasha Korobeynyk joining Atlas, we are also delighted to welcome Gooike…

Legal 500 ranking

emea leading firm 2019

Atlas is very proud of its new position in Tier 2 of the Legal 500 Firm ranking! We want to thank our clients and the whole Atlas team. Click here to see the full ranking