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Favourable judgement for EU holding companies – ECJ limits too general anti-abuse

In a recent decision, the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) issued a favourable judgement regarding too general anti-abuse legislation for holding companies. For the ECJ, both the treatment of the EU parent company’s shareholders and the nature of the economic activities of the EU parent company – criteria adopted by the German anti-abuse provisions under question – are irrelevant for pre-assessing abuse. This decision could have a major impact on the applicability of anti-abuse provisions and substance requirements for holding companies within the EU, including the Netherlands.

Supreme Court rejects fiscal unity between Dutch sister companies with a joint non-EU parent company

On 15 December, 2017 the Dutch Supreme Court ruled that a request to create a fiscal unity between Dutch sister companies with a joint parent company established in a third non- EU/EEA country does not have to be granted by the Dutch Tax Authorities. The judgement follows the earlier Opinion of the Advocate-General, but is opposed to the judgement of the Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden.

New form for dividend withholding tax exemption

Following our newsletter on the extension of the Dutch dividend withholding exemption to all treaty countries (click here), the Dutch State secretary of Finance has now published the declaration that needs to be filed with the Dutch tax authorities when applying…

Opgaaf inhoudingsvrijstelling dividendbelasting

Als vervolg op onze nieuwsbrief over de verruiming van de Nederlandse inhoudingsvrijstelling op deelnemingsdividenden naar alle verdragslanden (klik hier), heeft de Staatssecretaris van Financiën vorige week de nieuwe opgaaf dividendbelasting gepubliceerd. Indien de inhoudingsvrijstelling wordt toegepast moet de belastingdienst hierover worden…

US Tax reform bill: Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts

On November 2, the House Republican's tax reform bill – the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – was released. This bill is 429 pages and should provide for extensive tax reform. The bill would immediately reduce the statutory tax rate to 20% and move to a territorial system of taxing foreign profits with anti-base erosion provisions for both US-based and foreign-based multinational companies. A new excise tax of 20% will be introduced on deductible payments from US companies to related foreign companies that in fact acts similar to the border adjustment in the House Republican Blueprint, but only for outbound payments. A brief summary of the other key provisions is provided below. President Trump intends to sign the bill before the Thanksgiving holiday, but there are several unpopular provisions that will potentially get push-back and changes are likely to be made. Given the current political US landscape and the unprecedented situation, the last major US tax reform took place in 1986, this seems an optimistic outlook. Of course we will keep you posted on updates following the legislative process.

Transfer pricing documentation is key

Introduction According to Dutch transfer pricing legislation (article 8b of the Dutch Corporate Income Tax Act), Dutch tax payers need to have documentation available that demonstrates the arm’s-length nature of transfer prices applied to intra-group transactions. This transfer pricing documentation…