Part of Svalner Atlas Group

Weteringschans 24, 1017 SG Amsterdam
T +31 20 535 4567


Atlas Budget Day Special 2020

The Budget Day Special of Atlas Tax Lawyers outlines the most relevant proposals in the 2021 Tax Plan and additional legislative proposals. In this special the following topics will be covered: –           measures COVID-19 –           measures for businesses; –           measures…


Prinsjesdaggeruchten Met de tegenvallende begroting door de coronacrisis en de door het kabinet geboden steunmaatregelen is de grote vraag welke (fiscale) maatregelen zullen worden aangekondigd met Prinsjesdag. Na een lange vergadering tussen de coalitiepartijen eerder deze week is een aantal…

EU General Court judgment

In 2016, the European Commission argued that the Irish tax authorities, as a result of its tax rulings, allowed the Irish permanent establishments of two Apple companies unlawful State aid in the amount of €13 billion and ordered the Irish…