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Opinion Advocate General of Dutch Supreme Court on scope Dutch base erosion rules (article 10a CITA)

Recently the Advocate General (“AG”) rendered its opinion on the Dutch interest deduction limitation rule of article 10a CITA. According to the AG article 10a CITA is also applicable in case of a group debt that is indirectly financed with external debt if the group debt and the external debt are not almost identical.

Read MoreOpinion Advocate General of Dutch Supreme Court on scope Dutch base erosion rules (article 10a CITA)

T/A economics: Painting a new story…

... as the BeNeLux alternative for transfer pricing and valuation services, yet with a distinct approach.

Met veel genoegen kondigen Atlas en Tiberghien de lancering aan van T/A economics. Dit nieuwe samenwerkingsverband tussen Tivalor (in samenwerking met Tiberghien) (België en Luxemburg) en Atlas Fiscalisten (Nederland) creëert een Transfer Pricing adviesbureau met bereik over de gehele BeNeLux.

Het credo van T/A economics luidt ‘creating exponential value through shared experiences.’ Dit is terug te zien in de manier waarop de krachten worden gebundeld van Tivalor (transfer pricing, valuations, business & legal economics) en Atlas (transfer pricing en valuations). Hierdoor is T/A economics in staat haar cliënten bij te staan met een onderscheidende, geïntegreerde en grensoverschrijdende aanpak in de gehele BeNeLux. Wereldwijd heeft T/A economics een bereik in meer dan 100 landen door haar partnerschap met WTS.

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T/A economics: Painting a new story…

... as the BeNeLux alternative for transfer pricing and valuation services, yet with a distinct approach.

Atlas and Tiberghien are pleased to announce the launch of T/A economics, a joint venture between Tivalor, a Belgium and Luxembourg based economist boutique (in cooperation with Tiberghien), specialized transfer pricing and valuations, and the Amsterdam based transfer pricing team of Atlas Tax Lawyers.

T/A economics’ credo is to create exponential value for its clients through the sharing of experiences. Combined, the former teams of Tiberghien/Tivalor (business & legal economics) and Atlas (transfer pricing) will be able to offer their clients a distinct, integrated, borderless service approach throughout the BeNeLux, and global interconnectivity through its partnership with Atlas, Tiberghien and the WTS Global network, present in over 100 countries.

Read MoreT/A economics: Painting a new story…

New innovationbox regime in The Netherlands

As announced earlier in 2016, the Netherlands has enacted a new innovation box regime as of January 1, 2017, in line with the outcomes of the OECD’s BEPS project (Action Plan 5). The new legislation has a grandfathering period until 2021 for (qualifying) intellectual property (“IP”) developed before July 1, 2016.

Because of the new regulations, all existing innovation box rulings with the Dutch tax authorities have been cancelled as of January 1, 2017.

Read MoreNew innovationbox regime in The Netherlands

Dutch deemed salary rule under the application of double tax treaties

The Dutch Supreme Court has recently decided that the Netherlands could not apply the domestic deemed salary rule under the application of the tax treaty between the Netherlands and Portugal. The Supreme Court clarifies that the deemed salary rule can only be applied when the other Contracting state has specifically accepted the application of this rule.

Read MoreDutch deemed salary rule under the application of double tax treaties

Further clarifications published on proposed amendments to Dutch dividend withholding tax act

In addition to our recent news alert in relation to the proposed amendments to the current Dutch dividend withholding tax position of Dutch Cooperatives (currently not being subject to Dutch dividend withholding tax) and BVs/NVs, we hereby provide you with an update based on last week’s letter from the Dutch Deputy Minister of Finance.

Read MoreFurther clarifications published on proposed amendments to Dutch dividend withholding tax act