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US Tax reform bill: Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts

On November 2, the House Republican's tax reform bill – the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – was released. This bill is 429 pages and should provide for extensive tax reform. The bill would immediately reduce the statutory tax rate to 20% and move to a territorial system of taxing foreign profits with anti-base erosion provisions for both US-based and foreign-based multinational companies. A new excise tax of 20% will be introduced on deductible payments from US companies to related foreign companies that in fact acts similar to the border adjustment in the House Republican Blueprint, but only for outbound payments. A brief summary of the other key provisions is provided below. President Trump intends to sign the bill before the Thanksgiving holiday, but there are several unpopular provisions that will potentially get push-back and changes are likely to be made. Given the current political US landscape and the unprecedented situation, the last major US tax reform took place in 1986, this seems an optimistic outlook. Of course we will keep you posted on updates following the legislative process.

Transfer pricing documentation is key

Introduction According to Dutch transfer pricing legislation (article 8b of the Dutch Corporate Income Tax Act), Dutch tax payers need to have documentation available that demonstrates the arm’s-length nature of transfer prices applied to intra-group transactions. This transfer pricing documentation…

Taxation of digital economies in the EU

On 29 September 2017, during the Tallinn Digital Summit, the EU Council of Economy and Finance Ministers (Ecofin) discussed the supposedly insufficient taxation of companies active in the “digital economy”. In preparation to this meeting the European Commission (Commission) published…

2018 Budget day: tax measures

On 19 September 2017, the Dutch Ministry of Finance published its tax budget proposals for fiscal year 2018 and future fiscal years. This article gives you an overview of the most important proposals of the Tax Plan 2018 and additional…

Luxembourg introduces new IP tax regime

On 4 August, the Luxembourg Government submitted its long awaited bill of law for the introduction of a new tax regime in order to increase intellectual property (“IP”) developments (the “Bill of Law”). The new regime follows just over one…