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Draft bill on implementation UBO register

On March 31, 2017 a draft bill on the implementation of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) register was presented for public consultation. The bill results from the European Directive 2015/849 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering or terrorist financing and seeks to implement a central register which contains information on ultimate beneficial owners (“UBO”) of companies or other legal entities which are incorporated in the Netherlands. The UBO register will be part of the trade register and such the Commercial Register Act 2007 will be adjusted. More details on the relevant definitions will be included in an Order in Counsel (algemene maatregel van bestuur).

Envy – toch geen loon?

Rechtbank Gelderland heeft onlangs een interessante uitspraak gedaan die van belang kan zijn voor de private-equity praktijk. Volgens de rechtbank vormt de verkrijging van een lucratief belang met een envy-factor geen loon.

Updated Decree Participation Exemption released

A new Decree Participation Exemption (the “Decree”), dated 20 January 2017, has been released. The Decree describes further guidelines on the participation exemption regime and replaces the previous Decree of 12 July 2010. The Decree provides for a large number of editorial changes as well as several new approvals and clarifications on the participation exemption rules.

T/A economics: Painting a new story…

... as the BeNeLux alternative for transfer pricing and valuation services, yet with a distinct approach.

Met veel genoegen kondigen Atlas en Tiberghien de lancering aan van T/A economics. Dit nieuwe samenwerkingsverband tussen Tivalor (in samenwerking met Tiberghien) (België en Luxemburg) en Atlas Fiscalisten (Nederland) creëert een Transfer Pricing adviesbureau met bereik over de gehele BeNeLux.

Het credo van T/A economics luidt ‘creating exponential value through shared experiences.’ Dit is terug te zien in de manier waarop de krachten worden gebundeld van Tivalor (transfer pricing, valuations, business & legal economics) en Atlas (transfer pricing en valuations). Hierdoor is T/A economics in staat haar cliënten bij te staan met een onderscheidende, geïntegreerde en grensoverschrijdende aanpak in de gehele BeNeLux. Wereldwijd heeft T/A economics een bereik in meer dan 100 landen door haar partnerschap met WTS.

T/A economics: Painting a new story…

... as the BeNeLux alternative for transfer pricing and valuation services, yet with a distinct approach.

Atlas and Tiberghien are pleased to announce the launch of T/A economics, a joint venture between Tivalor, a Belgium and Luxembourg based economist boutique (in cooperation with Tiberghien), specialized transfer pricing and valuations, and the Amsterdam based transfer pricing team of Atlas Tax Lawyers.

T/A economics’ credo is to create exponential value for its clients through the sharing of experiences. Combined, the former teams of Tiberghien/Tivalor (business & legal economics) and Atlas (transfer pricing) will be able to offer their clients a distinct, integrated, borderless service approach throughout the BeNeLux, and global interconnectivity through its partnership with Atlas, Tiberghien and the WTS Global network, present in over 100 countries.

The post-BEPS advantages of the Netherlands

Roelof Gerritsen and Ivo Kuipers, both partners at Atlas Tax Lawyers in the Netherlands, look at why the country will remain a prime location for multinationals and foreign investors as governments worldwide transition towards more harmonised tax rules in line with the OECD’s BEPS Project.